(Japanese: 東京 means eastern capital) is the capital of Japan, located on the eastern side of the largest of the four islands to the mainland Japanese -hooncho-, and on the West Bank of the Bay of Tokyo, near the mouth of the Sumida River. Japan's capital since 1868, is today the political, economic and cultural center of the country.
Occupies the city of Tokyo metropolitan area area of 600 km²; composed of 23 alive (in Japanese: 区 = ku), and a population in which 12 million people. If we take into account the urban conglomerates nearby, the Tokyo is the largest urban agglomeration in the world, extending the urban fabric where uninterrupted occupies an area of 10,000 km², and includes more than 30 million people, including many of the adjacent small towns and three cities large: Yokohama, Kawasaki and Chiba and are all located east of Tokyo.
Tokyo is usually not renewed, and almost works which do not expire. Where officials did not adopt any of the urban plans, so it seems a diverse urban fabric, the city and show more grouping of small villages maintain their respective unique cryptographic, including a giant modern city. The major streets, which charted in the years 1950-1960 AD and modern buildings and the city's main interface, as is the old neighborhoods and small buildings, consisting of floor or two floors, temples, shrines and wooden buildings scattered across it. City offers its visitors a sight problem and is inconsistent mostly, where they coexist various architectural styles, materials and construction methods varied. Unlike some Maiatkdh, parks and green spaces in Tokyo large and spacious, both in the city center or on the banks of the Sumida River.
Many other activities are concentrated in Tokyo. Located where most government bodies, major local administrations, most banks largest Japanese companies and the headquarters. Tokyo occupies the first place in Japan in terms of the volume of trade exchanges, internal and external ones alike. Is an international financial center, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange is considered the second largest stock exchange in the world after the New York Stock Exchange.
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