Called cold tundra, desert also, this region accounts for about 10-20% of the land area and are concentrated in the northern hemisphere. This area is characterized by severely in climatic conditions where temperatures drop to rates of up to (-40) degrees Celsius almost, and the soil in this area is poor and often have slightly soluble soil thickness and rarely more than 30 cm.
Are located in this region Kalohnat some plants (lichens) and grass and plants that do not dwarf willows rise more than 7 cm, and there may be some shrubs that reach a height of nearly a meter.
The animals include deer and reindeer and musk ox and wolves and foxes and some rodents and in the summer migratory animals Kwazz exist and ducks, and there are penguins and seals.
And the Tundra is the Russian word called by the Arctic Circle and plants following the taiga north. The tundra is not found only in the northern hemisphere. And launches naming Tundra on a fourteen vital areas on the surface of the earth, given to outstanding ecosystem to a unique vegetable layer. They form a circle around the pole with an area of eight million square kilometers exceed the equivalent of six percent of the land which is characterized by long Bashtaúha bitter cold and warm summers short.
Being in the Tundra a number of major rivers such as Bchura and up and forget and Lena in Siberia and the River Mackenzie in Canada these rivers and freeze about six months or more and begin the ice to melt in May or June and lead solubility usually to flooding as the effusion of rivers in the Arctic Ocean prevents disposal Supreme normalcy which melt at a time when the sewage be the minimum is still frozen and all these rivers teeming with fish, which play an important role in the lives of these poor actors
Population Tundra
And live Tundra different elements are all a little number in American Eskimos live illusion folk Ssahelaon get their power from the sea in general and in Tundra Eurasia live Lapps groups in Sweden and in Norway and live elements Alawstiak beyond the Ural Mountains and other groups such as Alaurak and Aljkot and Asamoad. He thinks that some of these groups of Mongol origin, but there is a large mixing them and all of them live in conditions similar life.
We find many plants, it is the south to the north, we find types of Elsafsafaat including what is Kazmi, as we find trees such as bars and Saadiyat Aloslaat, right down to the ranges in which the plants are an algae and lichen. It should be noted that all these plants have slow growth by virtue of the harsh climatic conditions.
Animals that live in this vital area be thick fur or feathers and white in the winter, is also characterized by the presence of a large lipid layer to protect them from the cold. It is a species of bird find album called Bboum (Harfang) and Grouse, one of the migratory birds. On the other animals we find Canadian elk in North America, Eurasia and reindeer, and cow AKB. As carnivores, we find the white bear, wolves, foxes, polar. The partly their own food in small rodents called for Moss. In the short Arctic summer, grow insects such as mosquitoes.
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