(Russian: Москва, Moscow) is the capital of Russia's largest city in terms of population, and entities of the Russian Federation. Moscow politics, economy, culture and religion, finance, education and transport center in Russia, and is considered a global city. It is the seventh-largest city by population. Number of Muscovites (as of January 2010) 10,562,099 inhabitants. [1]
Located on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District in the European region of Russia. Moscow is located at the crossroads of three geological platforms. [2] Historically, the capital of the Soviet Union, and the Russian Empire (for three years from 1728 to 1730), Tsarist Russia, and the Grand Duchy of Moscow, a site Kremlin Moscow, a World Heritage Sites in the city, which serves Russian President as a home. Russian parliament (the State Duma and the Federation Council) and the Russian government fall in the city as well.
Moscow is a major economic center. It contains many of the scientific and educational institutions, and many sports facilities Kzlk.fahi possesses a complex transport system includes four international airports, nine railway stations, and the subway system, the second busiest in the world (after Tokyo), which is famous for its architecture and works of art. Metro is one of the busiest subway operator of the individual in the world.
Over time, the city has gained a variety of aliases, mostly refers to its preeminent position in the life of the nation: Third Rome (Третий Рим), white rock (Белокаменная), the throne, the first (Первопрестольная), forty forty (Сорок Сороков).
Satellite picture of the Moscow suburbs
Moscow city located on the outskirts of the Moscow River, which is going to more than five hundred Iklmitr through easy Eastern Europe in the middle of Russia. Forty-nine bridge cut in the river within the city limits, with many water Alqtawat. Muyco rise in the exhibition All-Russian Center, in the area where the most important branch of the weather observatory is located, is equivalent to 156 meters (512 feet). The highest point in the city are high Thblostansquia to rise 255 meters (837 feet). [14] show Moscow city from west to east equivalent to 39 g 7 kilometers (24 g 7 miles), and the length from north to south, equivalent to 51 g 7 Iklmitr (32.1 miles).
The road system in Moscow focused on the overall Akarmiln, in the heart of the city. There are ways of branching out to intersect with Daúaria ways ("shavings").
The first, and closer to the center and the main loop, Pulvarnuelh Coltso, who had his sons on the old site of the city wall of XVI, who was named Bilje Jurad century (White City). Alpulvarnuelh Kaltsu in fact not ring, it does not constitute a complete circle, but the arc that Fulbright grants from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to Aauza River. Hear the road changed several times on his way into the city.
Preliminary second episode, which is located outside the ring Alpulvard, called Sadowsquiah Kaltsu (garden) loop. Such Alpulvard ring, ring the park take place on the old wall of the impact of the sixth century, which was the ten city. Episode III, the third episode of Transportation, work on it ended in 2003 as a way high-speed fast.
Transport fourth episode, fast another way, built at the present time in order to ease the traffic density. Beyond loop from the city center in Moscow city called Moscow ring road cars (Московская Кольцевая Автомобильная Дорога) which determines the approximate boundaries of the city. There are some roads outside the city who use the same sequence.
Shukhov Tower in Moscow is currently under threat of demolition, and the tower at the top of the UNESCO list of buildings at risk, and there is an international campaign to save it.
High buildings in Moscow
Moscow Engineering universally known. Moscow is also famous as the location and the presence of St. Basil's Cathedral, with Kabbath a form of onions, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Alhqsqat seven.
For a long time, the appearance of the city was ruled by numerous Orthodox churches. City view change is large in the Soviet Aladhar, especially because of Joseph Stalin, who made a big effort to make a civilized city. He knew the city on a large main ways and methods, some of them more than ten rows, but a lot of important historical works of demolition at the same time. Tower Hucharev, and many luxury homes and shops that were on the edge of the roads, a lot of religious architecture, such as the Kazan Cathedral and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior has been demolished in the era of Stalin's rule. In the nineties Alkatdraúaatan been for their children again, despite the presence of a large amount of cash because of the high commissioning and lack of historical perspective. [19]
Architect Vladimir Shukhov was responsible for building a number of landmarks Moscow during the Soviet era early. Shukhov Tower was one of the towers is a hyperboloid designed by Huchrov, built between 1919 and 1922 tower sent to the Russian company to the media. Shukhov also left a lasting impact of the Russian Soviet. We have designed a large and long-sized stores, such as the Central Universal Store on Red Square, which Boukraún dam Maadanah innovative glass.
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